Comic, Actor
From everyday life situations to relationships and dating, llfe can be interesting growing up in a bi-racial household in the deep South but also full of laughs. With the exception of Asian, Marvin Lee has been mistaken for every minority living in the U.S. to the final conclusion of "What are you?".... Hilarious is the answer. In school, Marvin became the unofficial ambassador between all the races. This could have been a noble calling if Marvin didn't enjoy screwing with people’s heads, and if he could get a good laugh out of it at the same be it. Marvin Lee’s unique view of the world coupled with his high energy, down to earth smart alec style, allows him to take several familiar subjects and twist them to his style of thinking forcing his audience to learn something about each other and hopefully, themselves. In the end you will leave knowing EXACTLY what to call Marvin Lee... F-U-N-N-Y.
Marvin Lee's career has allowed him to perform in some of the most prestigious comedy clubs in the US as well as several different countries around the world. He's performed in New York, Los Angeles, Los Vegas, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Toronto, Calgary, Tokyo, and Seoul, and has made appearances on Last Comic Standing, Comic View,s "Coming to the stage. and The Comedy Network in Canada..
"He was a great entertainer... we would definitely use him again."
-Kim Cox-Administration of Shell Corporation- Galveston, TX.
"Marvin Lee did an outstanding job. I would highly recommend Marvin for any event. Marvin kept the people into the show the whole time, he was non-stop funny." -Ernie Curley-Cardinal Corporation, Baraboo, WI.